
#1 Bellavista

Trendy area with vibrant nightlife, street art, and cultural attractions.

#2 Lastarria

Upscale, bohemian neighborhood with cobblestone streets, boutique hotels, and cultural sites.

#3 Providencia

Residential area with a local vibe, commercial centers, and scenic views from Cerro San Cristóbal.

#4 Barrio Italia

Artistic and youthful area with Italian-influenced architecture and international cuisine.

#5 Santiago Centro

Historic center with colonial architecture, cultural landmarks, and vibrant street life.

#6 Las Condes

Business district with luxury hotels, high-end shopping, and proximity to the Andes.

#7 Barrio Brasil

Hip, artistic area with affordable accommodations and a young, cultural atmosphere.

#1 La Pintana

Very high crime rates; unsafe area for tourists and expats.

#2 Lo Espejo

Known for safety concerns; best to avoid both day and night.

#3 Cerro Navia

High crime and poor safety; not recommended for tourists.

#4 La Granja

Impoverished area with higher crime rates; avoid, especially at night.

#5 Renca

High crime rates make this neighborhood dangerous; avoid if possible.

#6 El Bosque

Impoverished and unsafe, especially after dark.

#7 Pedro Aguirre Cerda

Known for crime and safety concerns; avoid visiting.

#8 Lo Prado

Area with significant crime issues; exercise extreme caution.

#9 San Ramon

Known for high crime; best to steer clear.

#10 Pudahuel

Residential area with slower pace but has safety issues; be cautious.

#11 La Cisterna

Area with moderate crime; avoid walking alone, especially at night.